SNOAC Follow Up 2025 Q1 Meeting
Hello SNOAC Community!
Thank you for another wonderful meeting! As a reminder, the next SNOAC meeting will be Thursday, April 17th. As with previous meetings, this meeting will be hybrid and you can attend in-person at Roseman University (1 Breakthrough Way Las Vegas, NV 89135) or virtually via Zoom. Below, you will find community updates and materials from our previous meeting:
Meeting Follow Up:
Southern Nevada Substance Misuse and Overdose Prevention Summit
Final call for members of the planning committee! If you are interested in participating in the planning committee, please reach out to the event coordinator, Katarina Pulver, at
FR Cara Updates
Link to slides:
For more information, please contact Brandon Delise at and Lori Bryan at
SNHD launches “The Strip Club”
Link to slides:
Link to printable flyer:
For more information, please contact Rebecca Cruz-Nanez at
Miracle Minds Substance Use/ Misuse Program for Youth and Adolescents
For more information please contact John Wickett at and Tammy Dixon at
FFR Recovery Shuttle
Link to slides:
Link to sample brochure (to be finalized soon):
For more information, please reach out to Charles Winston at and Tam Macanas at
Funding Opportunities:
Nevada HEAL Health Equity & Loan Assistance Program
About: The Nevada Health Equity & Loan Assistance (HEAL) Program was launched by the Nevada Treasury in 2025 to reward healthcare providers who choose to practice in Nevada. The Nevada HEAL Program provides student loan repayment up to $120,000 to providers who commit to at least 5 years of clinical practice in an eligible Nevada community. See for details.
Learn more here:
Fund for a Healthy Nevada- A one-time funding opportunity for federally qualified health center incubator project.
About: This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is published by the DHHS Director’s Office, Grants Management Unit (GMU) and is focused strictly on Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and Certified Community Behavioral Health Centers (CCBHCs). The purpose of the Incubator Project is to support the sustainability of FQHCs and CCBHCs in Nevada to ensure pregnant and postpartum mothers and their infants have access to quality health care. Care for mothers can also include behavioral health services during and after pregnancy.
Learn more here:
Community Events and Information:
NACCHO releases naloxone purchasing and distribution considerations
NACCHO released a guide for on Naloxone Purchasing and Distribution Considerations. This is on considerations for navigating the multiple naloxone products on the market:
2025 Southern Nevada Substance Misuse and Overdose Prevention Summit Planning Kicks Off!
About: The 2025 Planning Committee has kicked off the planning for the summit! IF you would like to be a part of the planning committee it isn’t too late! Sign up today at
PACT Announces their 2024-2026 Comprehensive Community Prevention Plan
About: PACT Coalition has announced their Comprehensive Community Prevention Plan to the public, The Comprehensive Community Prevention Plan (CCPP) aims to identify and guide future priorities for preventing youth substance use in Clark County. This plan is updated every two years and serves as a roadmap for PACT Coalition in implementing strategies and addressing priorities.
Learn more here:
About: CredibleMind is the free online platform that brings together expert rated and vetted videos, podcasts, apps, books and articles all in one easy to use place. Confidential and available 24/7, with CredibleMind you can learn new skills, understand your own mental health, take a mental health assessment and browse our library of thousands of mental wellbeing resources.
Learn more:
Lima Diversion Program Graduation
Date: Friday, March 14th
Location: LVMPD Headquarters Building B (400 South Martin Luther King Boulevard, Las Vegas, NV, 89106)
Cost: Free
About: Join LIMA as they celebrate their program graduates! There will be food, and networking opportunities
Learn more by emailing Angel Lash at
Educational Opportunities:
Harm Reduction Symposium
Date: Tuesday, April 29th from 8a-5p
Location: Southern Nevada Health District (280 S Decatur Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89107)
Cost: Free
About: Join us for a full day training to discuss harm reduction and its role in working with people who use drugs. We will discuss: harm reduction a personal safety strategy, harm reduction as a moment, the principles of harm reduction, risk and protective factors for substance use, drug-related stigma, impact of drug-related stigma on recovery, medicated assisted treatment, and so much more! This full day will be jam packed and interactive for participants. Lunch will not be provided and will be on your own.
Learn more and register:
Overdose Response with Naloxone Training of Trainers
Date: Tuesday, June 3rd from 1:30p-5p
Location: Southern Nevada Health District (280 S Decatur Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89107)
Cost: This training is grant funded and provided at no-cost.
About: This training is by invitation only, please reach out to Lori Bryan at if you are interested in this opportunity. This class is open to trainers who wish to become educated with current information about the illicit drug supply in our community and the current best practices for reversing overdoses. At the end of this training, you should be equipped with the knowledge and tools to train others in overdose response with naloxone, understand opioids and their effects, and educate others on common myths regarding drug overdose and fentanyl. Prerequisite work required and will be sent by email.
To learn more, please visit
RX and Illicit Drug Summit
Date: April 21-24
Location: Nashville, TN
Cost: starting at $725 (see site for details)
About: Rx and Illicit Drug Summit is the largest, most influential event addressing this crisis, where strategies are shared and put into action. Our global community includes multidisciplinary stakeholders "from federal to family." As we enter our 14th year, our mission has become increasingly important—we can't afford to lose more lives. It's time to turn the numbers around.
Learn more and register at
Montana Summer Institute
Date: June 17-20
Location: Big Sky, Montana (also available via live stream)
Cost: $1095 ($399 for live stream)
About: Join us at the 2025 Montana Summer Institute for three and a half transformative days dedicated to advancing community well-being. Through thought-provoking keynotes, interactive workshops, and engaging discussions, you’ll explore innovative strategies that leverage positive norms and amplify protective factors. Learn to uncover hidden community strengths, identify untapped opportunities, and craft impactful communications that drive meaningful change. With insights from leading experts and experienced practitioners, you’ll gain practical tools to reimagine your approach to data, messaging, and the people you serve—all through a positive, effective frame. Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your expertise, deepen your impact, and shape healthier, more resilient communities.
Learn more and register at
If you have any questions, wish to update your SNOAC membership, or have important community events or resources related to substance use, overdose or recovery, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via the “contact us” page on our website.